The last few classes are over

My time at the NUS is slowly coming to an end. Today I had my last real classes before finishing university on Saturday with a test in Service Operations Management. The school organized a farewell tea last week and on Monday we had an exchangers party. Both were actually just get-togethers with free food provided. But it was nice to see many friends again, even though I will see most of them during the next three weeks, since we are all staying till the official end of the semester. The only reason why we had those events that early is simply that next week everybody starts to prepare for exams. I just don't have any! Today Lara, Philipp and me presented a project at Procter & Gamble. The focus of the project was making Logistics more efficient through Uber-like solutions for trucking. This may sound a bit weird, but it was kind of fun even though we put a lot of work in it. The presentation itself was very boring since nobody asked questions about our poster. Maybe because it was the only self-explanatory one... Nevertheless I am happy that classes are over, but I am also a bit sad since I won't see some cool classmates anymore. But well I got three nice weeks in Singapore left and also some travelling afterwards!